d*TREK を使ってみる

さきほど、d*TREK をビルドしたが、dtprocess と dtdisplay という GUI 部分がうまく動かなかった。そこで、CUI だけから使ってみることになる。

基本的には、xia2 のドキュメント ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/6.3.0/ccp4-6.3.0/share/xia2/xia2/Wrappers/dTREK/Doc/dTREK.pdf に従えばよい。

まず、ヘッダを抽出する。今回は、R-AXIS IV で撮影した Thaumatin のデータセットを用いた。

$ ../dtextractheader test0001.osc start.head
dtextractheader:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

     Header of file test0001.osc successfully read.

次にスポットを検出する。XDS でいう COLSPOT。

$ ../dtfind start.head

dtfind:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

Command line:
 ../dtfind start.head

     Header of file start.head successfully read.
Min raw image pixel OK value in mask/nonunf/image file: 1

Resolution limits of an image are 1541.78 to 1.4965
Resolution limits of peak search are 1541.78 to 1.4965

dtfind: 2D method  used
...reading image test0001.osc...

     File test0001.osc successfully opened.
Find object listing:
     Sigma: 5
Resolution: 1541.78 to 1.4965
   Minimum: 50
Circle lim: 1500, 1500, 0, 2121
  Rect lim: 30, 30, 2970, 2970
Spot wind.: 0, 0
Peak filt.: 6
Back. tile: 187, 187
 Seq. num.: 1, 1
 Every Nth: 1
Image dim.: 3000, 3000
   3D dump: 0
653 preliminary spots found in 2D search with rotation angle 65.25 degs.

dtfind: There were 643 spots found.
There were 643 preliminary spots of which 0 were marked as saturated,
 or  0.00% of them.
Number of reflections written in 'dtfind.ref': 643
dtfind: Spots written to dtfind.ref

dtfind.ref が SPOTS.XDS に相当する。

次に、指数付けを行う。-prompt をつけたので、対話的に操作する。

$ ../dtindex start.head dtfind.ref -prompt

dtindex:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

Command line:
 ../dtindex start.head dtfind.ref -prompt

     Header of file start.head successfully read.
Reflection list: dtfind.ref
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtfind.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 643 reflections read in
                                    (643 total now in list).
Command line string: >>-prompt<<
INFO: deleted 0 reflns outside of resolution bounds.
      This leaves 643 reflns for indexing.

INFO: 131 reflns deleted out of 643 that might be in ice rings.

Max cell length allowed for reciprocal lattice vectors: 272.78

Method:     1D FFT with DPS algorithm
Out header: dtindex.head
Max cell:   272.78
Num vecs:   1000
Spacegroup: 0
Verbose:    1

Performing 1D FFT indexing (not cell reduction) with the DPS algorithm...see
  Steller, Bolotovsky, & Rossmann (1997) J. Appl. Cryst. 30, 1036-1040.

Max cell is:         272.78
Number of reflections/vectors used: 445
...refining best 30 directions and lengths...
..............................  done.
Number of vectors used for integer residual calculation: 445

     a      b      c  alpha   beta  gamma   Volume  Remarks #Indexed %Residual
 57.79  82.42 222.72  42.78  58.14  45.06   509955     Okay      308     0.363
222.72  57.79  82.42  45.06  42.78  58.14   509955     Okay      308     0.363
 82.42 222.72  57.79  58.14  45.06  42.78   509955     Okay      308     0.363
222.74  57.79 129.84  26.70  45.49  58.13   509865     Okay      307     0.365
129.84 222.74  57.79  58.13  26.70  45.49   509862     Okay      307     0.365
 57.79 129.84 222.74  45.49  58.13  26.70   509865     Okay      307     0.365
 82.41 222.74 129.84  45.49  18.37  42.76   509866     Okay      307     0.366
222.72 129.85  82.42  18.37  42.78  45.51   509957     Okay      308     0.362
129.85  82.42 222.72  42.78  45.51  18.37   509957     Okay      308     0.362
222.72  57.79  58.35  89.59  59.07  58.14   509957     Okay      308     0.362
 57.79  58.35 222.72  59.07  58.14  89.59   509957     Okay      308     0.362
 58.35 222.72  57.79  58.14  89.59  59.07   509957     Okay      308     0.362
222.72  82.42  58.35  44.52  59.07  42.78   509957     Okay      308     0.362
 82.42  58.35 222.72  59.07  42.78  44.52   509957     Okay      308     0.362
 58.35 222.72  82.42  42.78  44.52  59.07   509956     Okay      308     0.362

Executing beam refinement with
beam search radius, acceptable shift radius: 10 9 ...
Min raw image pixel OK value in mask/nonunf/image file: 1
Original (input header) beam center: [1557.1 1496.2]

First Pass.  Search dim0 in [1547 1567] dim1 in [1486 1506]
Second Pass.  Search dim0 in [1562 1564] dim1 in [1497 1499]
Calculated pre-reduced cell solution is in agreement with detector beam center!
Original (input header) beam center: [1557.1 1496.2]
New      (calculated)   beam center: [1562.7 1497.8]
Header updated to reflect beam center change.

WARNING!: Beam position moved more than 5 pixels!
INFO: Restart with adjusted beam center.
Max cell length allowed for reciprocal lattice vectors: 272.78

Method:     1D FFT with DPS algorithm
Out header: dtindex.head
Max cell:   272.78
Num vecs:   1000
Spacegroup: 0
Verbose:    1

Performing 1D FFT indexing (not cell reduction) with the DPS algorithm...see
  Steller, Bolotovsky, & Rossmann (1997) J. Appl. Cryst. 30, 1036-1040.

Max cell is:         272.78
Number of reflections/vectors used: 445
...refining best 30 directions and lengths...
..............................  done.
Number of vectors used for integer residual calculation: 445

     a      b      c  alpha   beta  gamma   Volume  Remarks #Indexed %Residual
237.26  58.13  58.29  89.95  42.93 104.16   510869     Okay      300     0.216
 58.29 237.26  58.13 104.16  89.95  42.93   510869     Okay      300     0.216
 58.13  58.29 237.26  42.93 104.16  89.95   510869     Okay      300     0.216
 82.36  58.28 237.27  42.93  69.78  44.90   510842     Okay      298     0.216
 58.28 237.27  82.36  69.78  44.90  42.93   510842     Okay      298     0.216
237.27  82.36  58.28  44.90  42.93  69.78   510842     Okay      298     0.216
237.26  58.12  82.36  45.07  69.78 104.15   510984     Okay      301     0.217
 58.12  82.36 237.26  69.78 104.15  45.07   510984     Okay      301     0.217
 82.36 237.26  58.12 104.15  45.07  69.78   510984     Okay      301     0.217
 58.28 237.27 130.31  56.91  26.49  42.93   510775     Okay      298     0.218
130.31  58.28 237.27  42.93  56.91  26.49   510775     Okay      298     0.218
237.27 130.31  58.28  26.49  42.93  56.91   510775     Okay      298     0.218
 82.29  58.30 237.22  42.90 133.77 135.07   510447     Okay      299     0.215
 58.30 237.22  82.29 133.77 135.07  42.90   510447     Okay      299     0.215
237.22  82.29  58.30 135.07  42.90 133.77   510447     Okay      299     0.215
 82.30  58.13 237.22 104.16 133.75  45.11   510836     Okay      300     0.215
237.22  82.30  58.13  45.11 104.16 133.75   510836     Okay      300     0.215
 58.13 237.22  82.30 133.75  45.11 104.16   510837     Okay      300     0.215
237.22 130.01  58.11  26.65 104.14 123.15   510699     Okay      302     0.218
 58.11 237.22 130.01 123.15  26.65 104.14   510699     Okay      302     0.218
130.01  58.11 237.22 104.14 123.15  26.65   510696     Okay      302     0.218
 82.34 130.29 237.26  56.87  69.74  18.41   510582     Okay      302     0.222
130.10 237.26  58.13 104.16  26.62  83.71   510840     Okay      299     0.215
 58.13 130.10 237.26  83.71 104.16  26.62   510840     Okay      299     0.215
237.26  58.13 130.10  26.62  83.71 104.16   510840     Okay      299     0.215
130.09  82.36 237.23  69.78  83.71  18.44   510946     Okay      302     0.220
237.24  82.29 130.01  18.47 123.16 133.75   510907     Okay      300     0.216
 82.29 130.01 237.24 123.16 133.75  18.47   510907     Okay      300     0.216

Least square fit to lattice characters...see
  Andrews & Bernstein (1988) Acta Cryst. A44, 1009-1018 and
  Paciorek & Bonin (1992) J. Appl. Cryst. 25, 632-637.

Least-squares fit of reduced primitive cell to 44 lattice characters
sorted on decreasing (highest to lowest) symmetry.
Best possible least-squares residual is 0.000%, worst residual is 100.0%.
Only solutions with % residuals <=   3.0% are listed.
 Soln  LeastSq Spgrp Cent    Bravais type         a         b         c
  num resid(%)  num* type     Cell volume     alpha      beta     gamma
   7     0.588    75    P      tetragonal    58.215    58.215   150.739
                                   510854    90.000    90.000    90.000

   9     0.588    21    C    orthorhombic    82.295    82.361   150.739
                                  1021708    90.000    90.000    90.000

  11     0.585    16    P    orthorhombic    58.129    58.301   150.739
                                   510852    90.000    90.000    90.000

  12     0.222     5    C      monoclinic    82.227    81.891   150.559
                                  1013806    90.000    90.227    90.000

  13     0.024     3    P      monoclinic    58.301    58.129   150.739
                                   510837    90.000    90.442    90.000

  14     0.000     1    P       triclinic    58.129    58.301   150.739
                                   510836    89.558    89.984    89.954

*Suggested spacegroup number until systematic absences are examined.

To view least-squares fits to other lattices, 
enter a new percent residual between 15 and 100% at the following prompt.


Enter solution number (Soln num) of your choice (1-14) from the above table
 or a new limiting % residual to show more (but worse) solutions (>= 15%)
Note: Good solutions usually have 'LeastSq resid(%)' less than 0.5% to 1.0%.
   or enter L to get a lattice character listing.
 <Enter> or <cr> or 7 will select the 'P tetragonal' lattice.
...determining orientation angles...

Unit cell parameters and orientation angles
      Integer         a         b         c
Num  residual     alpha      beta     gamma     Rot1     Rot2     Rot3
  1     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739   17.847  -57.384 -145.253
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  2     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739  -17.847   57.384   34.747
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  3     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739 -162.153  -57.384 -145.253
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  4     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739  162.153   57.384   34.747
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  5     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739  -58.654   -9.508  -40.080
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  6     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739   58.654    9.508  139.920
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  7     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739  121.346   -9.508  -40.080
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

  8     0.001    58.215    58.215   150.739 -121.346    9.508  139.920
                 90.000    90.000    90.000

The above table shows symmetry EQUIVALENT crystal orientation angles
for the indexing orientation.  All the solutions are equivalent for
the selected Bravais lattice.  The default selection usually has the
values closest to crystal orientation found in the input .head file or
the one where (|Rot1| + |Rot2| + |Rot3|) is a minimum.


Enter your choice 0=Abort [5]: 
Orientation angles choice 5 selected.

Crystal listing:

 Unit cell lengths:   58.2150   58.2150  150.7394
 Unit cell  angles:   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 Unit cell  volume: 510854.035
Orientation angles:  -58.6536   -9.5083  -40.0800
         Mosaicity:     0.300
       Description: unknown

Spacegroup number: 75
             name: P4
Num. equiv. posns: 4

dtindex - Wrote header file dtindex.head

INFO - The above indexing solution is ONLY a hypothesis.
       One must confirm the hypothesis by examining symmetry
       of observed intensities as well as possible systematic
       One does this by collecting data, processing the data
       and using dtcell and dtscaleaverage.

INFO - The suggested next step is to run dtrefine with
       dtindex.head as the input .head file: 

       dtrefine dtindex.head dtfind.ref ...

ここで、方位行列などが書き加えられた dtindex.head ができる。これを dtrefine に与えて、精密化を行う。精密化ストラテジにもいろいろあるようだが、xia2 ドキュメントを参考にやってみる。-seq で画像範囲を指定すると、そこでスポットを探しながら精密化してくれるようだ。

$ ../dtrefine dtindex.head -seq 1 5 -seq 180 185 +CrysAll +DetAll -go

dtrefine:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

Command line:
 ../dtrefine dtindex.head -seq 1 5 -seq 180 185 +CrysAll +DetAll -go

     Header of file dtindex.head successfully read.

Reflection centroids will come from a search of image(s),
and not from a reflnlist file.
Min raw image pixel OK value in mask/nonunf/image file: 1

     File test0001.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 1 ...

     File test0002.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 2 ...

     File test0003.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 3 ...

     File test0004.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 4 ...

     File test0005.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 5 ...

     File test0180.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 180 ...

     File test0181.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 181 ...

     File test0182.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 182 ...

     File test0183.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 183 ...

     File test0184.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 184 ...

     File test0185.osc successfully opened.

... predicting reflections and getting centroids for image 185 ...

Total number of reflns in m_poReflnlist: 80545

Reflection status after merging
Raw 2D centroids                      8976
Merged                                4773

Reflns. on   1 consecutive image(s)   3710
Reflns. on   2 consecutive image(s)    780
Reflns. on   3 consecutive image(s)    204
Reflns. on   4 consecutive image(s)     61
Reflns. on   5 consecutive image(s)     18

Total number of predicted merged reflections: 4773
Refine listing:

Crystal listing:

 Unit cell lengths:   58.2150   58.2150  150.7394
 Unit cell  angles:   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 Unit cell  volume: 510853.750
Orientation angles:  -58.6536   -9.5083  -40.0800
         Mosaicity:     0.300
       Description: unknown

Spacegroup number: 75
             name: P4
Num. equiv. posns: 4

CRYSTAL_ Goniometer listing: 

        Description: Crystal Goniometer
   Number of values: 3

         Name    Datum   Current  Units   Vector
        Omega    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  1.000,   0.000,   0.000)
          Chi    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  0.000,   0.000,   1.000)
          Phi    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  1.000,   0.000,   0.000)

Source listing: 

  Single wavelength: 1.5418
       Polarization: 0.5, 1, 0, 0
          Intensity: 0

RX_Detector listing: 

   Pixel dimensions:     3000, 3000
 Nominal size in mm:     300, 300
        Description:     RAXIS conversion
    Spatial distortion descriptive text:
    Simple pixel scaling spatial distortion
    Simple spatial distortion:
    Center of primary beam: 1562.7, 1497.8
           Pixel size (mm): 0.1, 0.1
         Direction vectors: 0, 1, -1, 0

RX_ Goniometer listing: 

        Description: UNKNOWN
   Number of values: 6

         Name    Datum   Current  Units   Vector
         RotZ    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  0.000,   0.000,   1.000)
   RotX/Swing    0.000   Unknown    deg   ( -1.000,   0.000,   0.000)
         RotY    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  0.000,   1.000,   0.000)
       TransX    0.000   Unknown     mm   (  1.000,   0.000,   0.000)
       TransY    0.000   Unknown     mm   (  0.000,   1.000,   0.000)
  TransZ/Dist  115.000   Unknown     mm   (  0.000,   0.000,  -1.000)
DetResolution min:  1541.78
DetResolution max:  1.4958
DetResolution edge: 1.70829

Refine resol min: 99999
Refine resol max: 1e-05
I/sigma cutoff:   5
Sharpness cutoff: 0.2
Rejection limits: 2.5, 2.5, 2
Weighting scheme: Unit weights

INFO: no convergence after 30 cycles.

Number of found reflections and best mosaicity vs Trial rotation offset
                             % of Max number of observed reflections*
 Offset Mosaicity^ reflns 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100
  -0.40      1.69   5281 ***********
  -0.35      1.60   5412 ********************
  -0.30      1.53   5503 **************************
  -0.25      1.43   5581 *******************************
  -0.20      1.34   5630 ***********************************
  -0.15      1.25   5682 **************************************
  -0.10      1.18   5735 ******************************************
  -0.05      1.08   5782 *********************************************
  -0.00      0.99   5818 ***********************************************
   0.05      0.90   5862 **************************************************
   0.10      0.85   5882 ****************************************************
   0.15      0.81   5895 ****************************************************
   0.20      0.85   5896 ****************************************************
   0.25      0.90   5882 ****************************************************
   0.30      0.99   5855 **************************************************
   0.35      1.08   5789 *********************************************
   0.40      1.15   5685 **************************************
 ^Mosaicity value needed to get maximum number of reflns with this offset.
 *When mosaicity is set to 0.81 degrees.

INFO: Mosaicity set to 0.81 degrees.
INFO: Rotation Offset of 0.15 degrees applied to obtain lowest mosaicity.

Refinement results
                         a, b, c:    58.1596    58.1596   150.6231
                          Sigmas:     0.0169     0.0169     0.0470
                          Shifts:    -0.0554    -0.0554    -0.1163

              alpha, beta, gamma:    90.0000    90.0000    90.0000
                          Sigmas:     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
                          Shifts:     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000

           Crys Rot1, Rot2, Rot3:   -58.862     -9.454    -40.141
                          Sigmas:     0.0107     0.0109     0.0078
                          Shifts:    -0.2085     0.0544    -0.0612

                       Mosaicity:     0.8054
                           Sigma:     0.1000 
                           Shift:     0.5054 
Detector:  0
DetTrans: TransX, TransY, TransZ:     0.155      0.420    114.813
                          Sigmas:     0.0098     0.0105     0.0497
                          Shifts:     0.1554     0.4196    -0.1869

 DetRots: RotZ, RotX/Swing, RotY:    -0.002      0.196      0.102
                          Sigmas:     0.0121     0.0196     0.0209
                          Shifts:    -0.0019     0.1955     0.1023
          Wavelength, Rot1, Rot2:     1.541800   0.000      0.000
                          Sigmas:     fixed      fixed      fixed 
                          Shifts:     fixed      fixed      fixed 
Refinement residuals 
rmsResid (A-1) =    0.00206
rmsResid (mm)  =    0.2881  FAIR, less than or equal to 3 pixels (0.300 mm).
rmsResid (Deg) =    0.2586  GOOD, less than 1/2 the mosaicity.

Reflections in list:         4773
Reflections accepted [blue]: 4214 (Resolution limits of these: 15.6974 to 1.61412 A)
Reflections rejected [ red]: 214   (|Xobs-Xcalc| >= 2.5 mm), or
                                 (|Yobs-Ycalc| >= 2.5 mm)
Reflections rejected [ red]: 316   (|Rotobs-Rotcalc| >= 2 deg)
Reflections ignored [green]: 29   (I/sigI < 5
                                 or outside resolution of 99999 to 1e-05,
                                 or Lorentz factor too large,
                                 or sharpness > 0.2, etc)

Listing for all refinement iterations
Iter  Twin   Volume    Rms     Rms  Total Ignored Rejects Rejects
                      (MM)   (DEG)  refln   refln    (MM)   (DEG)
  31 01/01   509489 0.2881  0.2586   4214      29     213     316

dtrefine - INFO wrote header file: dtrefine.head

INFO - The suggested next step is to run dtrefine again:
         dtrefine dtrefine.head -seq ...
       Run dtpredict to check that the results predict the
       first few images in each scan correctly: 
         dtpredict dtrefine.head -seq ...
       Run dtmultistrategy or dtintegrate with 
       dtrefine.head as the input .head file:

        dtmultistrategy dtrefine.head ...
        dtintegrate dtrefine.head ...


$ ../dtintegrate dtrefine.head -seq 1 230

dtintegrate:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

Command line:
 ../dtintegrate dtrefine.head -seq 1 230

     Header of file dtrefine.head successfully read.

Command line string: >>-seq<<

Integrate object listing:
Verbose level:                    1
Scan sequence range:              1, 230
Resolution range:                 0, 100000
Images/ Scale batch:              1
Images/ Refine batch:             4
Batch prefix:                     
Image padding:                    0
Image padding multiplier:         1
Minimum peak radius in pixels:    2
Spot size multiplier:             2.8
Input max window size:            0, 0
Input min window size:            0, 0
Maximum refln overlap fraction:   0.03
Alpha1 / Alpha2 splitting option: Off
Mosaicity model:                  1, 0
  mosaicity used = (Refined_mosaicity * 1) + 0
Num oblique incidence factors:    0
Num excluded resolution rings:    0

dtintegrate: 3D method used
Min raw image pixel OK value in mask/nonunf/image file: 1
... reflnlist dtintegrate.ref prepared for writing.
... reflnlist dtintrejects.ref prepared for writing.
... reflnlist dtintpartials.ref prepared for writing.

     File test0001.osc successfully opened.

PRE-REFINE IMAGE #: 1 (restart expected after image 8 of 230)
   Name: test0001.osc
   Date:  6-Jul-2015       Time: 16:25:56       Elapsed: 1

Rotation list:
            Start:   65.000
              End:   65.500
        Increment:    0.500
             Time:   60.000
INFO: eImage_data_type is unsigned short int

Reflection dispositions
Status:    New  Active    Full   DNormal Dspecial
Number:   1274    1274       0       0       0

     File test0002.osc successfully opened.

PRE-REFINE IMAGE #: 2 (restart expected after image 8 of 230)
   Name: test0002.osc
   Date:  6-Jul-2015       Time: 16:25:56       Elapsed: 1

Rotation list:
            Start:   65.500
              End:   66.000
        Increment:    0.500
             Time:   60.000

Reflection dispositions
Status:    New  Active    Full   DNormal Dspecial
Number:   1254    2528     180      82      98

     File test0003.osc successfully opened.

PRE-REFINE IMAGE #: 3 (restart expected after image 8 of 230)
   Name: test0003.osc
   Date:  6-Jul-2015       Time: 16:25:57       Elapsed: 2

Rotation list:
            Start:   66.000
              End:   66.500
        Increment:    0.500
             Time:   60.000

Reflection dispositions
Status:    New  Active    Full   DNormal Dspecial
Number:   1223    3571     939     391     548

Strong peak info listing
  Pix  Pix  Num  Counts  Sigma Back Back Box Box Major Minor  Rot. Shift Shift
  [0]  [1]                      Avg  Sig [0] [1]  Axis  Axis  Axis   [0]   [1]
  300  300   32   15006    317  239   22  33  33  14.0  10.4   1.4   0.8   0.7
  300  900   23    7637    266  187   20  33  33  15.3   9.4   1.3   0.9   0.6
  300 1500   19   20329    458  317   35  33  33  14.8  10.4   1.4   1.0   0.7
  300 2100   27   30162    562  356   38  33  33  14.4  10.5   1.3   0.9   0.7
  300 2700   11   15764    410  292   28  33  33  13.4  10.8   1.5   0.7   0.7
  900  300   32   15006    317  239   22  33  33  14.0  10.4   1.4   0.8   0.7
  900  900   36   59506    653  510   44  33  33  12.6  10.5   1.5   0.7   0.6
  900 1500   93  144136   1327  803   83  33  33  12.5  10.5   1.3   0.7   0.7
  900 2100   27   49868    706  487   42  33  33  12.7  10.6   1.5   0.7   0.6
  900 2700   11   15764    410  292   28  33  33  13.4  10.8   1.5   0.7   0.7
 1500  300  122  112172    975  538   56  33  33  12.3  10.8   1.3   0.7   0.8
 1500  900  122  112172    975  538   56  33  33  12.3  10.8   1.3   0.7   0.8
 1500 1500   37  307663   1783  509   94  33  33  13.6  10.9   1.4   0.7   0.9
 1500 2100  106  120329   1023  509   62  33  33  12.7  11.1   1.3   0.7   0.7
 1500 2700  106  120329   1023  509   62  33  33  12.7  11.1   1.3   0.7   0.7
 2100  300   16   42017    587  298   36  33  33  12.2  10.8   1.5   0.6   0.6
 2100  900   35  118413   1054  596   58  33  33  13.4  11.0   1.5   0.7   0.8
 2100 1500   94  190291   1414  691   81  33  33  12.7  11.2   1.3   0.7   0.8
 2100 2100   29   59880    730  474   45  33  33  12.8  11.1   1.4   0.8   0.8
 2100 2700   21   25663    459  299   30  33  33  13.6  11.3   1.5   0.7   0.9
 2700  300   16   42017    587  298   36  33  33  12.2  10.8   1.5   0.6   0.6
 2700  900   10   12497    351  239   28  33  33  12.7   9.6   1.4   0.7   0.7
 2700 1500   40   19112    440  291   32  33  33  12.5   9.7   1.1   0.8   0.8
 2700 2100   46   26227    511  325   34  33  33  13.0  10.6   1.2   0.7   0.6
 2700 2700   21   25663    459  299   30  33  33  13.6  11.3   1.5   0.7   0.9
  All area avg:   68305    712  405   44  33  33  12.7  10.8   1.4   0.7   0.7

     File test0004.osc successfully opened.

PRE-REFINE IMAGE #: 4 (restart expected after image 8 of 230)
   Name: test0004.osc
   Date:  6-Jul-2015       Time: 16:25:58       Elapsed: 3

Rotation list:
            Start:   66.500
              End:   67.000
        Increment:    0.500
             Time:   60.000

Reflection dispositions
Status:    New  Active    Full   DNormal Dspecial
Number:   1200    3832    1090     358     732
Refinement options found:
    +CrysAll +DetAll -go
Refine listing:

Crystal listing:

 Unit cell lengths:   58.1596   58.1596  150.6231
 Unit cell  angles:   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 Unit cell  volume: 509488.521
Orientation angles:  -58.8622   -9.4539  -40.1412
         Mosaicity:     0.805
       Description: unknown

Spacegroup number: 75
             name: P4
Num. equiv. posns: 4

CRYSTAL_ Goniometer listing: 

        Description: Crystal Goniometer
   Number of values: 3

         Name    Datum   Current  Units   Vector
        Omega    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  1.000,   0.000,   0.000)
          Chi    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  0.000,   0.000,   1.000)
          Phi    0.000   Unknown    deg   (  1.000,   0.000,   0.000)

Source listing: 

 Multiple wavelengths: 
       Polarization: 0.5, 1, 0, 0
          Intensity: 0

RX_Detector listing: 

   Pixel dimensions:     3000, 3000
 Nominal size in mm:     300, 300
        Description:     RAXIS conversion
    Spatial distortion descriptive text:
    Simple pixel scaling spatial distortion
    Simple spatial distortion:
    Center of primary beam: 1562.7, 1497.8
           Pixel size (mm): 0.1, 0.1
         Direction vectors: 0, 1, -1, 0

RX_ Goniometer listing: 

        Description: UNKNOWN
   Number of values: 6

         Name    Datum   Current  Units   Vector
         RotZ   -0.002   Unknown    deg   (  0.000,   0.000,   1.000)
   RotX/Swing    0.196   Unknown    deg   ( -1.000,   0.000,   0.000)
         RotY    0.102   Unknown    deg   (  0.000,   1.000,   0.000)
       TransX    0.155   Unknown     mm   (  1.000,   0.000,   0.000)
       TransY    0.420   Unknown     mm   (  0.000,   1.000,   0.000)
  TransZ/Dist  114.813   Unknown     mm   (  0.000,   0.000,  -1.000)
DetResolution min:  1541.78
DetResolution max:  1.49136
DetResolution edge: 1.7034

Refine resol min: 99999
Refine resol max: 1e-05
I/sigma cutoff:   0
Sharpness cutoff: 0.2
Rejection limits: 2.5, 2.5, 2
Weighting scheme: Unit weights

INFO: no convergence after 30 cycles.

Number of found reflections and best mosaicity vs Trial rotation offset
                             % of Max number of observed reflections*
 Offset Mosaicity^ reflns 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100
  -0.40      1.32    841 ***********
  -0.35      1.22    911 *********************
  -0.30      1.13    974 ******************************
  -0.25      1.06   1045 ****************************************
  -0.20      0.97   1072 ********************************************
  -0.15      0.88   1097 ***********************************************
  -0.10      0.78   1114 **************************************************
  -0.05      0.71   1126 ****************************************************
  -0.00      0.64   1133 ****************************************************
   0.05      0.67   1127 ****************************************************
   0.10      0.76   1124 ***************************************************
   0.15      0.85   1117 **************************************************
   0.20      0.97   1112 **************************************************
   0.25      1.04   1097 ***********************************************
   0.30      1.15   1084 **********************************************
   0.35      1.25   1037 ***************************************
   0.40      1.34    986 ********************************
 ^Mosaicity value needed to get maximum number of reflns with this offset.
 *When mosaicity is set to 0.64 degrees.

INFO: Mosaicity set to 0.64 degrees.
INFO: Rotation Offset of 0.00 degrees applied to obtain lowest mosaicity.

Refinement results
                         a, b, c:    58.0217    58.0217   150.0661
                          Sigmas:     0.0211     0.0211     0.1192
                          Shifts:    -0.1379    -0.1379    -0.5570

              alpha, beta, gamma:    90.0000    90.0000    90.0000
                          Sigmas:     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
                          Shifts:     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000

           Crys Rot1, Rot2, Rot3:   -58.819     -9.446    -40.123
                          Sigmas:     0.0078     0.0070     0.0136
                          Shifts:     0.0428     0.0083     0.0185

                       Mosaicity:     0.6427
                           Sigma:     0.1000 
                           Shift:    -0.1627 
Detector:  0
DetTrans: TransX, TransY, TransZ:    -0.066      0.708    114.340
                          Sigmas:     0.0106     0.0123     0.0667
                          Shifts:    -0.2218     0.2889    -0.4732

 DetRots: RotZ, RotX/Swing, RotY:     0.011      0.341     -0.002
                          Sigmas:     0.0052     0.0191     0.0373
                          Shifts:     0.0130     0.1454    -0.1041
          Wavelength, Rot1, Rot2:     1.541800   0.000      0.000
                          Sigmas:     fixed      fixed      fixed 
                          Shifts:     fixed      fixed      fixed 
Refinement residuals 
rmsResid (A-1) =    0.00098
rmsResid (mm)  =    0.1376  GOOD, less than or equal to 2 pixels (0.200 mm).
rmsResid (Deg) =    0.0583  EXCELLENT, less than 1/4 the mosaicity.

Reflections in list:         831
Reflections accepted [blue]: 794 (Resolution limits of these: 15.6545 to 1.65463 A)
Reflections rejected [ red]: 36   (|Xobs-Xcalc| >= 2.5 mm), or
                                 (|Yobs-Ycalc| >= 2.5 mm)
Reflections rejected [ red]: 1   (|Rotobs-Rotcalc| >= 2 deg)
Reflections ignored [green]: 0   (I/sigI < 0
                                 or outside resolution of 99999 to 1e-05,
                                 or Lorentz factor too large,
                                 or sharpness > 0.2, etc)

  Seq    a      b      c     alp    bet    gam    Rot1    Rot2    Rot3    Mos
    4  58.02  58.02 150.07  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.82   -9.45  -40.12  0.643
  Seq  TransX TransY  Dist   RotZ   RotX   RotY  SrcRot1 SrcRot2  rmsMM rmsDeg
    4  -0.07   0.71 114.34   0.01   0.34  -0.00    0.00    0.00   0.138  0.058

INFO: Integrate Mosaicity accepts the 0.642676 deg value from refinement.

Number of reflections written in 'dtintrefine.ref': 831


Working ...  Almost done.

Rocking curve width analysis (for reflections 0 through 89999 only)
 Full-width         (Degrees)
 at % of     Total_area   Max_height
    70%         0.154        0.653
    50%         0.267        0.810
    30%         0.410        0.962
    10%         0.627        1.167
     5%         0.729        1.253
     1%         0.913        1.399

Total spatial overlaps (intersections): 247
 <=0.001 0.002 0.004 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.064 0.128 0.256 0.512 >=1.0
       0     0     0     1     3    14    25    48    67    78    15 

Number of reflections written in 'Part0_dtprofit.ref': 90000
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtintegrate.ref
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtintpartials.ref

Working ...  Almost done.

Rocking curve width analysis (for reflections 90000 through 179999 only)
 Full-width         (Degrees)
 at % of     Total_area   Max_height
    70%         0.177        0.291
    50%         0.318        0.537
    30%         0.484        0.737
    10%         0.703        0.901
     5%         0.787        0.963
     1%         0.921        1.054

Total spatial overlaps (intersections): 259
 <=0.001 0.002 0.004 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.064 0.128 0.256 0.512 >=1.0
       0     0     0     0     0     0     0    21    54   170    14 

Number of reflections written in 'Part1_dtprofit.ref': 90000
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtintegrate.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 90451 reflections read in
                                    (90451 total now in list).
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtintpartials.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 122082 reflections read in
                                    (122082 total now in list).

h00, 0k0, 00l (axial) reflections. Examine them for systematic absences.
    h     k     l Intensity SigmaInt I/sigI  Pix0  Pix1  Angle
  -35     0     0         0        0    0.0   684  2913 149.14
  -34     0     0         0        0    0.0   722  2815 150.76
  -33     0     0         0        0    0.0   759  2726 152.32
  -32     0     0     33434      605   55.3   799  2648 153.79
  -31     0     0         0        0    0.0   829  2571 155.29
  -30     0     0     99873      973  102.7   863  2506 156.77
    0     0   -89         0        0    0.0  2901  2377 175.63
    0     0   -91         0        0    0.0  2966  2427 176.34
    0     0   -90         0        0    0.0  2933  2401 176.00
Number of reflections written in 'axial.ref': 237
INFO: Use dtdisplay and File>Read refln list ... to view these axial reflns.

Working ...  Almost done.

Rocking curve width analysis (for reflections 180000 through 279999 only)
 Full-width         (Degrees)
 at % of     Total_area   Max_height
    70%         0.173        0.317
    50%         0.313        0.511
    30%         0.477        0.701
    10%         0.697        0.890
     5%         0.784        0.951
     1%         0.928        1.033

Total spatial overlaps (intersections): 159
 <=0.001 0.002 0.004 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.064 0.128 0.256 0.512 >=1.0
       0     0     0     0     0     0     5     7    35   108     4 

Analysis of partials contributing to integrated data
Reflections removed with highly deviant pixel positions:                  765
Reflections removed due to highly deviant profile fit:                      0
Reflections removed due to overlaps:                                      665
Maximum deviation allowed between calculated and observed positions:      9.0
Reflections with noisy tails removed:                                   23571
Reflections containing both profiled and non-profiled data:                 0
Reflections containing only profiled data:                                  0
Reflections containing only non-profiled data:                         269021
Reflections which lacked adequate profile information:                      0
Reflections containing intensity beyond predicted mosaicity bounds:      1189
Reflections containing intensity only in the centroid slice:           156435
Total profiles examined:                                                    0
Total profiles used:                                                        0
Total reflections to be output:                                        269021
Number of reflections written in 'Part2_dtprofit.ref': 90451
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: Part0_dtprofit.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 89618 reflections read in
                                    (89618 total now in list).
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: Part1_dtprofit.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 89453 reflections read in
                                    (89453 total now in list).
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: Part2_dtprofit.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 89950 reflections read in
                                    (89950 total now in list).
Number of reflections written in 'dtprofit.ref': 269021

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 2 images (67414 contributors).
Image  0 50.7% ******************************
Image  1 49.3% *****************************

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 3 images (12708 contributors).
Image  0 19.1% ***********
Image  1 64.1% **************************************
Image  2 16.8% **********

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 4 images (2433 contributors).
Image  0 16.0% *********
Image  1 37.8% **********************
Image  2 32.6% *******************
Image  3 13.6% ********

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 5 images (824 contributors).
Image  0 13.5% ********
Image  1 25.4% ***************
Image  2 29.7% *****************
Image  3 20.5% ************
Image  4 10.9% ******

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 6 images (360 contributors).
Image  0 11.0% ******
Image  1 18.7% ***********
Image  2 23.3% *************
Image  3 22.0% *************
Image  4 15.4% *********
Image  5  9.7% *****

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 7 images (211 contributors).
Image  0 10.0% ******
Image  1 15.1% *********
Image  2 18.7% ***********
Image  3 19.5% ***********
Image  4 16.4% *********
Image  5 11.7% *******
Image  6  8.4% *****

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 8 images (106 contributors).
Image  0  8.2% ****
Image  1 12.0% *******
Image  2 15.6% *********
Image  3 17.2% **********
Image  4 16.1% *********
Image  5 13.2% *******
Image  6 10.3% ******
Image  7  7.5% ****

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 9 images (47 contributors).
Image  0  7.8% ****
Image  1 10.7% ******
Image  2 13.1% *******
Image  3 14.6% ********
Image  4 14.6% ********
Image  5 13.4% ********
Image  6 11.0% ******
Image  7  8.5% *****
Image  8  6.4% ***

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 10 images (33 contributors).
Image  0  6.9% ****
Image  1  8.6% *****
Image  2 10.5% ******
Image  3 11.9% *******
Image  4 13.2% *******
Image  5 13.0% *******
Image  6 11.8% *******
Image  7  9.7% *****
Image  8  8.0% ****
Image  9  6.4% ***

Average rocking curve for strong reflns on 12 images (21 contributors).
Image  0  4.9% **
Image  1  6.3% ***
Image  2  7.7% ****
Image  3  9.2% *****
Image  4 10.4% ******
Image  5 11.1% ******
Image  6 11.0% ******
Image  7 10.4% ******
Image  8  9.5% *****
Image  9  8.0% ****
Image 10  6.3% ***
Image 11  5.1% ***

*** dtintegrate ***
Summary of crystal refinement results during integration
  Seq    a      b      c     alp    bet    gam    Rot1    Rot2    Rot3   Mos  MosMod
    4  57.98  57.98 149.85  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.81   -9.45  -40.11  0.57  0.57
    8  57.97  57.97 149.84  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.81   -9.45  -40.11  0.60  0.60
   12  57.97  57.97 149.84  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.81   -9.44  -40.11  0.57  0.57
  224  58.02  58.02 150.36  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.71   -9.24  -40.14  0.20  0.20
  228  58.02  58.02 150.36  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.71   -9.24  -40.13  0.20  0.20
  230  58.02  58.02 150.36  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.71   -9.24  -40.13  0.18  0.18
 Avg:  57.99  57.99 150.34  90.00  90.00  90.00  -58.82   -9.34  -40.20  0.26  0.26

   Updating header with average crystal results...

Summary of detector and source refinement results during integration
  Seq  TransX TransY  Dist   RotZ   RotX   RotY  SrcRot1 SrcRot2  rmsMM rmsDeg
    4  -0.11   0.80 114.21   0.01   0.38  -0.02    0.00    0.00   0.135  0.051
    8  -0.12   0.81 114.22   0.01   0.39  -0.03    0.00    0.00   0.148  0.056
   12  -0.13   0.81 114.23   0.01   0.39  -0.04    0.00    0.00   0.146  0.060
  224   0.08   0.89 114.63  -0.06   0.31   0.08    0.00    0.00   0.182  0.057
  228   0.08   0.90 114.63  -0.06   0.32   0.09    0.00    0.00   0.179  0.053
  230   0.11   0.89 114.62  -0.06   0.31   0.09    0.00    0.00   0.176  0.053

INFO:  There is a correlation of 1.000 between variables a and b
INFO:  There is a correlation of 0.965 between variables TransX and RotY
INFO:  There is a correlation of 0.966 between variables Mos and RotZ
INFO:  There is a correlation of 0.940 between variables c and Dist
INFO:  There is a correlation of 0.941 between variables Rot1 and TransX

Summary of results for scan rotation from    65.000 to   180.000
         with image sequence numbers from     1     to   230

Total reflections predicted:              283581
Total reflections with no errors:         123874
Total reflections processed weak:         144704
Total reflections with bad errors*:         9577
Total reflections partial in scan*:         3148

Reflection integration status codes
                 Status  Num reflns
No errors, no warnings:     123874
             On edge 0:        237 *Some peak on box edge in 1st dim
            Off edge 0:        438 *Some peak outside box edge in 1st dim
             On edge 1:        355 *Some peak on box edge in 2nd dim
            Off edge 1:        155 *Some peak outside box edge in 2nd dim
            Off edge 2:        846 *Some peak outside box edge in 3rd dim
    Outside HKL bounds:          0 *Mask lies outside HKL bounds
                  Ring:          0 *Intersection with excluded resolution ring
              Too dark:          0 *Some peak pixels saturated
        Bad background:          0 *Error in background determination
  Bad non-uniformity A:          0  Any shoebox pixels flagged as bad
  Bad non-uniformity B:        676 *Peak pixels flagged as bad or in shadow
 Partial at scan start:       5424 *Reflns incomplete at start of the rotation
   Partial at scan end:        757 *Reflns incomplete at end of the rotation
     Rotation too wide:          0 *Reflns predicted to be on too many images
   Integration problem:       7575 *Bad mask computation
      Fuzzy spot shape:       2579  Fuzzy spot profile
               Overlap:        159 *Spatial overlaps (dtprofit)
              *Rejected from output.

dtintegrate: All done.

INFO - If dtintegrate was successful, the suggested next step
       is to run dtcell to check your spacegroup hypothesis
       (also be sure look at the axial reflections listed above):

         dtcell dtintegrate.head dtprofit.ref
       run dtscaleaverage with dtintegrate.head
       as the input .head file:

         dtscaleaverage dtintegrate.head ...

dtcell というのは、空間群を確定するステップのようだ。

$ ../dtcell dtintegrate.head dtprofit.ref 

dtcell:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

Command line:
 ../dtcell dtintegrate.head dtprofit.ref

Header "dtintegrate.head" opened.
     Header of file dtintegrate.head successfully read.
Lattice tP assumed for space group 75.
Assuming chiral cell since cell volume is greater than 25000.0 cubic angstroms.
Please use -chiral or -chiralunknown to override this default.
Reading Reflection file dtprofit.ref ...
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtprofit.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 269021 reflections read in
                                    (269021 total now in list).
Finished reading command line.

Input Cell:        [  57.99  57.99 150.34  90.00  90.00  90.00 ]
Input Sigmas:      [ 0.0308 0.0308 0.0780 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ]
Input Orientation: [ -58.82  -9.34 -40.20 ]

Least square fit to lattice characters...see
  Andrews & Bernstein (1988) Acta Cryst. A44, 1009-1018 and
  Paciorek & Bonin (1992) J. Appl. Cryst. 25, 632-637.

Least-squares fit of reduced primitive cell to 44 lattice characters
sorted on decreasing (highest to lowest) symmetry.
Best possible least-squares residual is 0.000%, worst residual is 100.0%.
Only solutions with % residuals <=   5.0% are listed.
 Soln  LeastSq Spgrp Cent    Bravais type         a         b         c
  num resid(%)  num* type     Cell volume     alpha      beta     gamma
   7     0.000    75    P      tetragonal    57.989    57.989   150.343
                                   505564    90.000    90.000    90.000

   9     0.000    21    C    orthorhombic    82.009    82.009   150.343
                                  1011129    90.000    90.000    90.000

  11     0.000    16    P    orthorhombic    57.989    57.989   150.343
                                   505564    90.000    90.000    90.000

  12     0.000     5    C      monoclinic    82.009    82.009   150.343
                                  1011129    90.000    90.000    90.000

  13     0.000     3    P      monoclinic    57.989    57.989   150.343
                                   505564    90.000    90.000    90.000

  14     0.000     1    P       triclinic    57.989    57.989   150.343
                                   505564    90.000    90.000    90.000

*Suggested spacegroup number until systematic absences are examined.

Laue Check
   Laue Unique Latt   Refln    Non  Calc    Obs *Rmerge **Rmerge Incres  Pass?
  class   axis used  groups  index  mult   mult     raw   scaled   frac       
     -1      -   aP   58508      0     2   2.00    0.25     0.25    N/A    N/A
    2/m      a   mP   73644      0     4   2.69    0.26     0.26   1.08 [POOR]
    2/m      b   mP   77567      0     4   2.52    0.24     0.24   0.97 [POOR]
    2/m      c   mP   78946      0     4   2.54    0.26     0.26   1.04 [POOR]
    2/m      b   mC   71748      0     4   2.71    0.26     0.26   1.07 [POOR]
    mmm      -   oP   56693      0     8   3.98    0.28     0.28   1.05 [POOR]
    mmm      -   oC   55174      0     8   4.09    0.28     0.28   1.04 [POOR]
    4/m      c   tP   54739      0     8   4.13    0.29     0.29   1.04 [POOR]
  4/mmm      c   tP   32759      0    16   7.07    0.30     0.30   1.04 [POOR]

  4/mmm selected with Rmerge of ..........................  0.30

 *   Rmerge is from reflections with I/sig >= 3.00.
     1.00 percent of data rejected.
 **  Rmerge-scaled value will equal Rmerge-raw value
     because batch scaling has been disabled.

Enter your choice [4/mmm]: 
New Crystal Parameters:  [57.99  57.99  150.34  90.00  90.00  90.00]
New Cell Sigmas:         [0.0308 0.0308 0.0780 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ]
New Crystal Orientation: [-58.82 -9.34 -40.20]
N(Z) test: fraction of intensities less than Z x <I>
Z=           0.1    0.2    0.3    0.4    0.5    0.6    0.7    0.8    0.9    1.0
centric     .248   .345   .419   .479   .520   .561   .597   .629   .657   .683
acentric    .095   .181   .259   .330   .394   .451   .503   .551   .593   .632
deviation  -.153  -.164  -.160  -.149  -.126  -.110  -.094  -.078  -.064  -.051
                             theoretical average deviation ==>   -.115

measured   0.413  0.534  0.602  0.647  0.681  0.708  0.731  0.751  0.768  0.783
deviation -0.165 -0.189 -0.183 -0.168 -0.161 -0.147 -0.134 -0.122 -0.111 -0.100
                                measured average deviation ==>   -0.148

Although statistics might suggest a centric distribution,
Acentric Distribution Selected because CHIRAL has precedence.
Checking systematic absences...

Systematic absences for spacegroup #90 P4212 (<I/sig(I)> <= 4.00)
Conditions        hkl      hk0      0kl      hhl      00l      0k0      hh0 
Total Reflns   269021     1785    13767     5042      177       59       44 

Restrictions     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----    k!=2n     ---- 
Num Reflns       ----     ----     ----     ----     ----       31     ---- 
Num Observed     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----        3     ---- 
<I/sig(I)>       ----     ----     ----     ----     ----    -0.27     ---- 

Spacegroups found (Laue class: 4/mmm, Chirality: chiral)
 Number     Name Presentation Centricity Probability Absences
     90    P4212        P4212   Acentric       100.0  -----A- 

Probability column shows the relative probability (in percent) for each of the
found spacegroups based on the frequencies of just these spacegroups in the
small molecule Cambridge Structural Database.

Absences column summarizes systematic absences for reflection conditions shown
in the "Systematic Absences" table. 'A' stands for a conclusive systematic 
absence of non-restricted reflections in a condition. '?' means
inconclusiveness because of too few reflections in the file in a condition.
'-' means a condition is not restricted by the spacegroup.

T)      Print reflection parities (Texsan output)
S)      Print found spacegroups
A)      Print Table of absences applicable to found spacegroups
B)      Print Table of all absences applicable to Laue class
Q)      Quit
#)      Type spacegroup number
Enter)  Select spacegroup 90

Choice: 92 # ←指定
Spacegroup #92 not found in list of candidates... no reindexing information

No reindexing done.
Reflection file not updated.

Header "dtcell.head" written.

dtcell: Done.

ここで、消滅則から P4212 を選択したようだが、正しくは P41212 (92) だから指定した。


$ ../dtscaleaverage dtcell.head dtprofit.ref

dtscaleaverage:  Copyright (c) 2010 Rigaku
d*TREK version -- Jul  6 2015
for further acknowledgements, copyrights and license information.

Command line:
 ../dtscaleaverage dtcell.head dtprofit.ref

--------- Command line option parsing --------

     Header of file dtcell.head successfully read.
Reading reflection list dtprofit.ref ... 
Creflnlist::nRead with filename: dtprofit.ref
INFO in Creflnlist::nRead, EOF after 269021 reflections read in
                                    (269021 total now in list).
----- End of command line options -----

Crystal listing:

 Unit cell lengths:   57.9892   57.9892  150.3426
 Unit cell  angles:   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 Unit cell  volume: 505564.175
Orientation angles:  -58.8225   -9.3389  -40.1962
         Mosaicity:     0.262
       Description: unknown

Spacegroup number: 92
             name: P41212
Num. equiv. posns: 8

Rejection sigma set to        50.00
Reflections excluded from scale factor calculation (NOT results and statistics) with I/SigmaI less than   3.00
Using Auto Emul Auto Eadd.
Sorting on batch ID ...
Examining batch IDs and reflection resolution limits...
   230 batch IDs were found in the input reflnlist.

Reflections exceeding resolution limits: 0
                                   Kept: 269021 for scaling.
Sorting on intensity ...
Sorting and reducing reflnlist to asymmetric unit ...

INFO <Intensity> = 24482.0 <SigmaInt> = 175.4,
  so <Intensity>/<SigmaInt> = 139.58 for 36015 reflns
ChiSq fitting parameters vs Resolution
 Resolution Range Contrib  |ChiSq|    Emul   Eadd Eadd/Emul
    57.99 -  3.22   20380     3.72   12.90  0.189     0.015
     3.22 -  2.55   19866     2.11   12.90  0.212     0.016
     2.55 -  2.23   19613     1.63   12.90  0.200     0.015
     2.23 -  2.03   19878     0.96   12.90  0.199     0.015
     2.03 -  1.88   19595     0.60   12.90  0.157     0.012
     1.88 -  1.77   19658     0.36   12.90  0.120     0.009
     1.77 -  1.68   15059     0.26   12.90  0.080     0.006
     1.68 -  1.61    7673     0.13   12.90  0.060     0.005
     1.61 -  1.55    2937     0.07   12.90  0.060     0.005
     1.55 -  1.49     302     0.05   12.90  0.023     0.002

ChiSq fitting parameters vs I/sigI
 Int/sigmaI Range Counts Contrib  |ChiSq|    Emul   Eadd Eadd/Emul
   >  20 -     18 533334      89    10.83   12.90  0.000     0.000
      18 -     16 273555      45     8.07   12.90  0.000     0.000
      16 -     14 278468      74    12.64   12.90  0.000     0.000
      14 -     12 245346     111     8.82   12.90  0.000     0.000
      12 -     10 168535     153     9.65   12.90  0.000     0.000
      10 -      8 115969     276     8.53   12.90  0.000     0.000
       8 -      6 258743     600     7.22   12.90  0.033     0.003
       6 -      4 143905    1215     8.79   12.90  0.050     0.004
       4 -      2 179446   12874     4.45   12.90  0.179     0.014
       2 -  <   0  21009  129524     0.88   12.90  0.161     0.012

Number of reflections written in 'dtscaleaverage_rejects.ref': 0

Multiplicity of observed reflections
          Mult |       1*     2      3      4      5      6      7      8     >8
          Refs |       0   2071   2146   2863   2687   3830   5462   5291  11665
       |ChiSq| |    ---- 127.66 128.42 130.18 132.67 135.07 136.14 138.20 138.44
*Reflections with a multiplicity of 1 are not used in
 scale factor refinement nor in Rmerge calculations.

Iout = Iin*Scale_factor*exp(2B_factor*sin^2(Theta)/lambda^2)
Reflections in input file
        Batch   Scale       B       Num       Num       Num       Num       Num
         name  factor  factor      refs  excluded      rejs     ovlps   singles
         0001   1.000   0.000       241        31         0       238         3
         0002   1.000   0.000      1095       181         0      1091         4
         0003   1.000   0.000      1153       182         0      1145         8
         0228   1.000   0.000      1170       147         0      1165         5
         0229   1.000   0.000      1185       160         0      1178         7
         0230   1.000   0.000       851       108         0       845         6
  All batches     ---     ---    269021     36647         0    266249      2772

Distribution of reduced ChiSquared (|ChiSq|)
 |ChiSq|        <1.30   1.60   2.00   3.00   4.00   5.00   6.50   8.00 >10.00 
 Num unique ref  6428   1066   1195   2152   1559   1254   1370   1089  19902 
 Num reflns     33708   6886   7807  14341  10934   8976  10023   8113 165461